Tawna Little
Ekvn Cate Hokte cvhocefkvt os. Konepvlke vm vliketvt os. Kialagee vm etvlwvt os.
My name is Tawna, I am from the skunk clan and kialagee tribal town. I am currently situated at Ekvn Yefolecv with my partner Marcus and our two children. Our vision of living as a full time mvskoke persons, in our mother tongue, is what occupies everything. Which also encompasses our passions to learning how to live in direct relation with the space we are in. It is because of this understanding that I am inspired to be a participant in unlearning what should not be carried forward into the next process of our journey and to remember how to live outside the boundaries of a world imagined by other people to co-imagine a world in which all living beings can thrive.